[Klug-general] Remainder of donation money

Mike Evans mike at tandem.f9.co.uk
Sun Feb 19 19:04:41 UTC 2012

I'm an audacity user also and so vote for that.

Second choice would be Pidgin as I continue to prefer it to Empathy 
which seems to be getting favour with the top of the pops distros these 
days.  However they don't appear to be seeking funding.

Finally - I love the Gimp or at least could not use Linux without it.


On 19/02/12 17:41, Nathan Friend wrote:
> Hi,
> Big fan of audacity.
> Nathan.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 19 Feb 2012, at 14:41, Colin McCarthy<binarysignal at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hi
>> After our last group donation of £25 to Libre Office we still have £25.30 in our collective pot.  Donations have not been taken for months, mostly due to lack of actual meetings.  As it appears that KLUG is in the process of dying with no one able to come forward to organise meetings, I'd like to get rid of this money.
>> So far KLUG has donated to Open Shot Video Editor and Libre Office and as previously agreed KLUG should give money to applications rather than distro's.
>> What applications would you like considered for this last group donation? After I have a few suggestions I will make a poll on the site and allow all to vote on it.
>> Colin
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