[Klug-general] LAMP start up problem

Michael E. Rentell michael.rentell at ntlworld.com
Sat Jul 28 09:36:55 UTC 2012

Thanks to all who responded to my php queries last week. All were useful.
I have begun working through "PHP & MySQL for DUMMIES" but I am having 
problems with the sample scripts in the book which is dated 2004 and 
assumes the reader is using php 5.0.
However, as I've just started with Ubuntu I find that my php is 5.5.24.
It now occurs to me that perhaps there are serious differences. Is it 
possible ver 5.5 is not backwards compatible with php 5.0?
That would explain the problems. The sample scripts offered by KLUG 
member all seem to work, but the book scripts don't.
Still baffled - but learning slowly.

On 23/07/12 11:45, Karl Buckland wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I'm guessing that you are getting an error, but errors are not being
> displayed. They're probably being logged to Apache's error log.
> To view the errors in your browser you can use the following PHP code:
> --
> ini_set('display_errors', 1);
> error_reporting(E_ALL);
> --
> Hopefully if you add those line sat the top of the file, you should
> see an error.
> Regards,
> Karl B
> On 23 July 2012 11:42, Michael E. Rentell <michael.rentell at ntlworld.com> wrote:
>> Good morning all,
>> As a part of my plan to limit the atrophying of my ageing brain I am working
>> through 'PHP & MySQL for Dummies'. I think I have got apache installed OK
>> because when I point firefox at localhost I get the 'It's working' response.
>> So I then composed the following script, called it test.php and stored it in
>> /var/www:
>> -----------------------------
>> <html>
>> <head>
>> <title>PHP Test</title>
>> </head>
>> <body>
>> <p>This is an HTML line
>> <p>
>> <?php
>>    echo "This is a PHP line";
>>    phpinfo();
>> ?>
>> </body></html>
>> ----------------------------
>> When I point firefox at it I get a huge table of dozens of properties which
>> baffle me. But it seems to indicate that php is also working.
>> The next step in the book is to generate a mysql db so from the CLI I went
>> through generating mydb, user mick and a simple password. However, there is
>> no data in this DB.
>> Then to test that I composed the following script, called it test2.php and
>> added it to /var/www:
>> --------------------------
>> <?php
>> $host = "localhost";
>> $user = "mick";
>> $pass = "simplepassword";
>> $r = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
>> if (!$r) {
>>      echo "Could not connect to server\n";
>>      trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
>> } else {
>>      echo "Connection established\n";
>> }
>> echo mysql_get_server_info() . "\n";
>> mysql_close();
>> ?>
>> ----------------------------
>> When I point firefox at localhost/test2 I get a completely clear screen. It
>> neither seems to work or return the error. It is supposed to return a
>> different table of parameters etc.
>> Am I doing something stupid here/ If anyone can help an aged beginner I
>> would be most grateful. I've been banging my head against this for several
>> days and the book isn't any help as it expects the text to 'just work' and
>> it don't.
>> MikeR
>> in Folkestone
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