[Klug-general] Calling for Mentors for KLUG and EPIK Team Up
Kevin Groves
kgroves at ksoft-electrical-projects.co.uk
Wed Mar 12 19:11:35 UTC 2014
On 11/03/14 10:18, Dan Attwood wrote:
> I'm also interested in getting involved with this
More the merrier and hopefully we can get something moving soon.
> On 11 March 2014 10:09, Karl Buckland <buckland.karl at gmail.com
> <mailto:buckland.karl at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> I have been interested in doing something like this for a while.
> While I still use Linux every day I am probably more interested in
> programming, since I'm a web developer. As you say, it is now
> easier than ever to get into Linux (I think it's easier to install
> many distros than it is installing Windows) so a shift in focus or
> at least an alternative group for such a focus would be welcomed
> by me.
> I've had a look at EPIK, but it's not clear from the website where
> most of the events take place. I assume it would be in and around
> Canterbury? Unfortunately I'm in Tunbridge Wells, so I couldn't
> really be further from you while still being in Kent. Does EPIK
> tend to do much outside of Canterbury?
> I've also had a look at Codeclub (https://www.codeclub.org.uk/)
> and I will probably sign up and see what happens with that, but if
> I can't find an existing group nearby then I'll be faced with
> either the prospect of travelling a good distance or setting up my
> own group which is a lot of effort to go to before really getting
> a taste for it.
> Unless anyone can suggest anything else similar?
> Thanks,
> Karl
> On 10 March 2014 20:36, Kevin Groves
> <kgroves at ksoft-electrical-projects.co.uk
> <mailto:kgroves at ksoft-electrical-projects.co.uk>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've previously mentioned my connections with EPIK
> (www.epik.org.uk <http://www.epik.org.uk> and
> https://www.facebook.com/epikprojectuk), well it has been
> floated that we, the Kent Linux User Group team up for an
> event at multiple sites with EPIK.
> The idea being that as EPIK involves a number of open source
> projects providing an easy way for kids to get into tech (more
> specifically programming) using such things as Linux, it seems
> a natural mutual objective for both of us to team up and
> provide a way for the kids to see what Linux can do and for us
> to inspire the next gen of techies and perhaps pull in more
> membership with the parents.
> At this stage its a little vague what and when things to kick
> off, so my question is to everyone, as Linux is now reasonably
> easy and the need for a user group is slowly fading, we need a
> new direction and this could be the one, can I count on
> support from the membership here for volunteers to come
> forward and talk, show and tell, or mentor if this was to happen?
> We have a large amount of skill within this list, in many
> areas of technology and it would be great to pass on what we
> know to these kids who want to know and don't get it through
> their current channels.
> As soon as I know more then I will expand on things.
> Thanks
> Kev
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