[Klug-general] How does Kent County Council select software?

Brian Reay brian.reay at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 12:22:59 UTC 2014

Don't forget the issue of the average user (employee). They will almost
certainly use Windows Applications at home, or have come from employers
which use them, or educational establishments which taught them. Sadly, the
'market' penetration of Linux is minimal on the desktop, something Linus T
describes as his 'personal failure' (more than a bit harsh in my view but
his own words).

Linux is still very much a 'niche' OS. used mainly by 'nerds and geeks'
(not intended to be an insult, I use it).

It isn't helped by the many versions of Linux, the need to revert to the
'command line' to do some things, your average user wants everything 'plug
and play' or at least GUI. They aren't like us, to then a problem is a
problem, not an opportunity to do what we enjoy.

What I've said may seem 'anti-Linux' but I assure you I am anything but.


On 19 September 2014 20:49, Jonathan Kaye <jdkaye at riseup.net> wrote:

> Dan Attwood wrote on 19/09/14 18:19:
> > well knock me sideways and call me marvin:
> >
> >
> http://fossforce.com/2014/09/redefining-the-public-library-using-open-source-ideas/
> >
> >
> Thanks for the link, Dan. I could forward it on to our councillors just
> to wake them up. I wrote to one of mine this morning but haven't even
> had an acknowledgement as of now. So much for representing us, eh?
> Jonathan
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*Brian Reay*
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