[Klug-general] General advice for NFS4 authentication on SOHO

David Halliday david.halliday at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 08:24:30 UTC 2015

I have found samba is one of those technologies which manages to either
work "just like that" (Go on, in your best Tommy cooper voice) or on the
odd occasion you can be screaming at it for hours and it turns out that
it's one of those strange requirements that you never thought to check (in
my case it was the time difference between the clocks on the two hosts).

Congratulations on getting it working.

I have just had a little read around.

I think the wall you have been up against with NFS is that most guides (and
the way most people work) is to mount the network location on a machine and
then restrict access to either the mount location to a user or directories
within that location. This way you can mount /home/ as a network location
rather than using the local disk. Where as with Samba (and windows network
file sharing) revolves around different users connecting to different named
locations with a token exchange on each connection. Which *could* be
replicated in linux as creating separate mounts for each user, mounting
them and relying on Linux permissions to restrict access to the mount point
and/or directories within it.

I hope that my wordy explanation clears up that.

The more common way to integrate with unix machines on an adhoc basis is to
use ssh/scp/sftp methods to copy files up/down.

On 16 June 2015 at 00:04, jwmartnet . <jwm.art.net at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I've found this 'Simple Samba file sharing server setup':
> >
> > https://wiki.debian.org/SambaServerSimple
> Well that was surprisingly painless and does all I wanted so I'm happy now.
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