[Klug-general] General advice for NFS4 authentication on SOHO
jwmartnet .
jwm.art.net at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 12:09:03 UTC 2015
I've not had NFS+Kerberos working since getting Samba working the
other day. Eventually figured out I had the syntax of /etc/fstab
confused with /etc/exports so instead of trying to mount a share with
server:/ /mp nsf4 sec=krb5,rw,users,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
I was doing
server:/ /mp nsf4 gss/krb5(rw,users,noauto,x-systemd.automount) 0 0
Which would throw unknown device messages when attempting to mount.
It was only when I successfully mounted manually that I figured it out:
sudo mount server:/ -t nfs4 -o sec=krb5 /mp
I had read somewhere that using sec=krb5 was deprecated in
/etc/exports. Has had me going round in circles for days.
On 17 June 2015 at 09:39, Laurence Southon <laurence at southon.uk.net> wrote:
> On 16/06/15 09:24, David Halliday wrote:
>> or on the odd occasion you can be screaming at it for hours
> Yes, it can be maddening, and you have identified clock skew as a reason
> to mysteriously stop winbind working.
> Some other gotchas:
> Samba permissions only work if the corresponding Unix permissions are in
> place. So if you grant a user write access in Samba, they must also have
> write permission in the *nix filesystem, or they will be writing nothing.
> Cannot give you a definitive list but some changes in Samba permissions
> will take effect immediately, while other require a log off/on to take
> effect. That can be maddening.
> LS
> --
> Laurence Southon
> Tiger Computing, Bexley
> www.tiger-computing.co.uk
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