[Lancaster] Folly Computers

Martyn Welch martyn at 22balmoralroad.net
Wed Aug 13 09:18:00 2003

The XDMCP problem maybe an issue with reverse lookup of the ip address or
something (do we have a DNS server?), I have fallen foul of things like
this before.

I was thinking that a roll over of the X-terminals to a small slackware
install may enable us to roll out that requirement on somewhat smaller
HD's, freeing up the larger ones for use to use for projects/lug installs.
Maybe worth concidering (as well as setting up a server for DNS &

I have been working on rolling out Linux onto a dreamcast I bought a few
weeks back, got the thing booting into a busybox instance. I'll bring it
down and do a brief (_very_ brief) talk if anyone is interested, I'd need
a TV as I haven't got one of those to bring down!

I think the next thing required maybe a stock take of where we are and to
get the mailing list and web-site sorted. Is the site hosted at the Folly?

One thing I would like to see if Taylor is OK with it is to get some small
Lancaster Lug signs made up for the computer room to try and spur some

One other thing I had been thinking recently is whether having the
meetings on a Wednesday made sense, I know a number of people are finding
it difficult.
