[Lancaster] Prep for next meeting.

Martyn Welch welchm at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Thu Jan 8 11:05:55 GMT 2004

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Hi all,

Last October it must have been, I was able to get hold of a car load of 
Pentium based machines to possibly replace some of the older PC's on the 
folly / increase the number of machines that were available. From discussions 
at the time I think Taylor felt comfortable with the number of machines that 
were there already. 

Since many of the boxes were near identical inside (as well as outside) I 
think the concensus was that replacing some of the old machines with these, 
to improve performance and aesthetics.

At the time I think it was thought that doing this work at a separate time 
would be preferable, rather than taking up all of the next few lug meetings 
do it. I have however been very busy of late and have neglected to find any 
time to do this / remember very little about what we had planned to do.

Has anyone done any work on these machines / can anyone remember what the 
plans were? Are we going to install mandrake on them as we did with the last 
lot? At one point there was some talk of installing Debian on them as this 
may provide a stronger platform in terms of maintainence with them being used 
as thin clients.

Either way it would be worth setting up a machine at the folly to work as a 
distro mirror, for which ever distro we are to use, get some boot disks 
prepared so that we can get them all installing roughly at the same time at 
the start of the next meeting if no other time is going to become available. 
Does anyone have any experience with installing debian from a network mirror? 
- - from memory this is the default method.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and new year,

Look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting!

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