[Lancaster] Linux training for community volunteers

max max at tofubandits.org.uk
Wed Jan 12 10:36:55 GMT 2005

Dear All,

FYI - course aimed at newbies.

what's the current situation with the folly linux X-term server and its 

Please pass this on to anyone you may feel is interested...

All the best



Linux for community IT helpers


Are you interested in learning the skills to help neighbours and friends with 
their computer problems? Interested in Linux, but want to learn more?

Then the five part course in installing, maintaining and running Free/Open 
Source Software, like LINUX, may be for you. 

The course, which is 1 day per month (see over for dates) will include: 
* Introduction to Free / Open Source Software like Linux
* Installation of Linux onto PCs
* Basic PC hardware troubleshooting and upgrading
* Networking (including mixed Linux-Windows networks)
* Using the command line (terminal)
* More advanced Systems Administration

The course is suitable for people with some experience of using computers 
(Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, Amiga . . . anything) - you don't have to be a 
whizz kid! By the end of the course you will have the confidence to set up 
and maintain Linux computers and networks.

The course is open for people who are prepared to use their new skills to 
provide help and support other people or groups in their community.

For more information about the course and Linux see: www.computerswap.org.uk


Linux is an Operating System - that's something like MacOS or Windows - but 
Linux is very stable (it doesn't crash!) and secure (it doesn't get 
viruses!). There's software for web-browsing, emailing, word-processing, 
music playing, image editing and all the other usual things - and the best 
thing is it's available for free!

The course costs between £5 and £25 per module, according to income (we will 
ask for a deposit once you have been accepted for the course). If you come to 
more than three of the modules then you get 50% off.

Please fill in this form and return it to Folly <address>, or email the 
information to radix at computerswap.org.uk
Places on the course are limited, so applicants may be chosen on the basis of 
the information given below.

Tel or email:

What experience do you have of computers?

Why are you interested in this course? Please tell us whether and how you are 
willing help people with computer problems in your community after you have 
taken this course?

The course is split into day long modules. Please tick the modules you are 
interested in coming to:

Introduction to Linux and Free/Open Source Software

Installing and setting up Linux on a PC

Basic PC hardware and troubleshooting

Networking (including Linux-Windows networks)

Maintenance and administration (including using the command line)

For more information see http://www.computerswap.org.uk

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