[Lancaster] re: audio workshop

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Sat Jun 4 18:16:05 BST 2005

Andy Baxter wrote:
> I went down on wednesday and set up the sound system and installed some audio 
> programs on the good machine down there. The other ones don't have sound 
> cards as far as i could see (which wasn't very far because I couldn't get the 
> light to turn on in the back room.) If anyone has a sound card they don't 
> want, could you bring it to the meeting and we can install it?
I have a spare ISA Creative (Sound Blaster 16) card complete with 
intruction manuals, that I could donate. It does work, but compared with 
modern cards has a moderately high background noise level. Certainly OK 
for demo work.

As far as I recall, 'alsaconf' (or is it 'alsaconfig'?) found the card 
and set it up correctly.

I'll try to remember to bring a torch!

Ken Hough

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