[Lancaster] Re: Broadband Problems

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Mon Sep 12 11:00:36 BST 2005

Kristof Van Laerhoven wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> these are my settings (see alse the attached screenshot from my router 
> admin site):
> attenuation:      24 db     5  db     (down- and upstream)
> noise margin:   30 db    24 db     (down- and upstream)
> best,
>    Kristof.

Lucky boy!

The figures for my link are:

attenuation:       57.5      31.5     (down stream/upstream)
Noise margin:      16.0      22.0     (downstream/upstream)
  -- and that's when it's good

Attenuation remains pretty constant, both ways. Noise margin is the 
problem. during busy periods, downstream margin can drop to around 10 
dB. I loose connection at around 12 to 13 dB.

I've discovered info' via the Internet which suggests that a magin of at 
least 12 dB is needed.

The next step is to get BT to do something about it. If not possible, my 
guess is that a 500 kB link should work.

Many thanks


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