[Lancaster] Help me select a distrob

mp mp at aktivix.org
Thu Apr 20 17:08:25 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 16:52 +0100, Ken Hough wrote:

> I note that many of the reviewers have switched to SuSE. That must say 
> something.

Like 1000s of billions of flies eat shit, or people like to watch Jerry
Springer - what does that mean, mewonders?

> SuSE WORKS and WORKS very well. If, like me, you want an easily 
> installed/configured system that (contrary to comments made previously) 
> is easy to reconfigure, then it's up there with the best. It's a very 
> professional product.

Yea, it is a professional product, but more importantly, for me, it is a
huge corporate project of a company that makes hundreds of millions of
dollars on it, which is my reason for NOT wanting to choose it.

Ubuntu helps Debian, which is a community project that intersects with
other social movement projects, such as Indymedia, and that is why I
choose to use Ubuntu: it is grass-roots connected, yet it is very
user-friendly and up-2-date with the newest drivers and features.

I realise that these are political reasons, and that they are not the
concern for the pure, objective engineer - but I believe that to be an
illusionary position anyway: everything is political; certainly software


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