[Lancaster] Re: Linux Operating System

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Tue Oct 24 09:21:45 BST 2006

mp wrote:

>On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 09:16 +0100, Ken Hough wrote:
>>Whatever Linux distro that you choose, stick with it. The better known 
>>ones are all pretty good.
>>Although underneath, the various distros are essencially Linux, from the 
>>installation and management aspects they can be quite different. To swap 
>>between will only cause confusion.
>changing can be good for the explorer, as it can reveal the differences
>as well as the shared character of distributions and thereby the
>underlying essence (GNU/Linux) might appear more clear
For the experienced explorer, yes. But definately NOT to be recommended 
for a beginner!

Magazines carry lots of letters from disgruntled readers who have 
decided to 'try' Linux and immediately set about trying out various 
distros. Result --- they complain about all of them and have not 
understood any of them. Letters which report positive experiences nearly 
always come from users who have concentrated on one distro.

> - also it can be
>good fun
Yes it can be, once you have a working understanding of Linux and can 
begin to appreciate differences between the various distros.

> and certainly good practice (which might just make perfect) -
Good practice? Not sure about that.
make perfect? Nothing ever is.

>after all, computers can be toys, so why not play?
I play with various distros as they appear, just to keep an eye on 
what's going on. I keep a spare PC fitted with a hard drive caddy just 
for this sort of thing.

> change and
>experimentation, I think, is always to be encouraged, at least not
Yes, yes, yes, but better when you already have at least a basic 
understanding to work from.

There are literally hundreds of Linux distros out there. If a newcomer 
sets about playing with a good number of these, he/she is IMHO most 
likely to become confused, and dissillusioned.

If he/she intends to become a Linux geek, then that is perhaps a rather 
special case and I wish them good luck and would sympathise with the 
considerable amount of hard work that they would have ahead of them. 
However, most (?) don't want to wear 'hair shirts'. We just want to 
become competant enough to make best use of the many benefits and good 
fun that Linux can provide.

Ken Hough

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