[Lancaster] idea for regular computer evening at the Basement
Wayne Ward
wayne at lancastercomputers.co.uk
Mon Oct 20 23:46:17 UTC 2008
On Monday 20 October 2008 23:13:26 Ken Hough wrote:
> On Monday 20 October 2008 20:04, Wayne Ward wrote:
> > Yes andy im interested in this I will pay towards the connection
> > Sounds like a great idea and this would be a great opportunity for a news
> > paper ad in the citizen to get more public attention.
> > I would be up for a drive to the linux lab in Sheffield do you have any
> > contacts there so we could arrange a meet to ask some questions etc..
> > I don't mind helping out on a night and i dont mind helping on linux and
> > mac and would donate one of the mac G4's im just building for the
> > project. Sounds like a great place for talks and demonstrations.
> >
> > On another note good move ken for removing vista from your hardisk
> > I would sell the licence on ebay!!
> If only! as with many suppliers, MESH Computers only provide a system
> recovery disc, not a full installation disc. Besides, I would feel bad
> about inflicting Vista on someone else.
Ah yes its a bloody con really you should be able to have the licence
Usually they have a sticker on the box i just sell them thats the licence! I
got £20 for a XP licence the other day!!!
But yes how could you sleep at night with some one using vista on a licence
you provided nightmare :-| ha ha
> > Its probably the lamest operating system
> > ive ever used!
> I won't disagree with that.
Here Here!
> > Hope the suse 64 install wen well i bet its snappy!
> Snappy? With the quad core processor, at times it's disconcertingly quick,
> but I guess that I'll get used to it. :-)
Yes im dual core 64 bit and thats bloody snappy alright i run a realtime
kernel and apparentlly they are a slight pokier than the standard stock
> Presently, I'm still playing with this machine. The motherboard doesn't
> include a parallel port, so I've had to add a PCI/parallel card. I'm still
> using an Athlon box as my main PC.
the card should be ok does its set itself up with the same settings as a
standard parallel port?
> My next step is to try out some virtualisation software. You guys have
> talked about VirtualBox, but what about Xen which is provided with SUSE?
I use virtual box for one its easy - works well and works on all flavours of
linux im not sure about xen is it just a suse thing?
I try various distros and my vboxes come along with me ive tested them on
debain suse / gentoo / ubuntu and they just work on different flavours
> When I've figured out what I want to go with, then I'll transfer operations
> to the new machine.
> > I also might have a couple more members interested as i posted a linux
> > group on my face book and two people from the area signed up so im going
> > to see if they will attend the meetings.
> That's good
yes ill try and raise some more interest for the new year :-)
> Ken
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