[Lancaster] Blog

Wayne Ward wayne at lancasterlug.org.uk
Thu Dec 10 17:52:57 UTC 2009

Ive just added the blog to the lug site @
Ill try and theme it so it fits in with the lug site if not ill just  
make a new template up in artisteer
which i then can apply to the site and the blog so it all matches  
i was just talking to gareth about previous meeting minutes and I  
wasnt sure if i should add all the old minutes or start fresh minutes  
for the
  new year - people's views here...
Ill theme it and plug it into the external sites like twitter and identi.ca

i tried the gregson and the room they can only offer is the cinema @  
25 a throw so we will be giving that a miss!! talk about community  
Ill approach some other venues in lancaster if anybody has any ideas  
ideal setup:

club / pub
separate room
no fee

If no projector ill supply one in the new year so dont worry so much  
about that. Its better in a pub as most of like to have a beer and a  
chat - well  i think they do! and lancaster central would be best.  
Until then we can give small demos on laptops in the brit I suppose :)

Plus yes andy a good night!! I can see what your saying and im adding  
what you would like to put into the presentations
ill send a full list around of what ive gathered so far and if anyone  
doent think any of the items re valid or not worth doing please say
Im going to add the events page to the site and carry on with  
scheduling up the presentations like we said last night this will make  
it look more active plus if you look around most decent lugs have  
there events listed. ive looked around quite a few and they do look  
better organised clubs than the others.

Gareth should be all up and running now with his new lug address which  
will be handy as he has some good input into the LUG ;)

Also ive just been offered the moorlands hotel - it has a room  
upstairs we can have use of for the projector and then downstairs for  
a few beers after - please let me know what you think ... ill see if  
they have wireless?...

Wayne Ward

wayne at lancasterlug.org.uk

Lancaster Linux User Group.

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