[Lancaster] GNU
Serko Katsikian
kserko at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 16:54:32 UTC 2009
I think it is important to give Gnu the credit they deserve Gareth. I
don't think Stallman has ever denied Linus's contribution to the overall
gnu/linux system, but he and the people who have worked on the gnu tools
for years deserve similar recognition. By not using the word "gnu" in
linux, sooner or later newer generations will grow up never having heard
of "gnu" and never realising that Linux would probably not be here if it
weren't for Gnu.
By the way, if you guys are interested read this article by RMS
Gareth Lees wrote:
> My issue is not with the request per se, it is with the bitterness that oozes through on the FAQ page, like the idea of 'Linux' is wrong, 'GNU/Linux' is right as is 'GNU', if he wants credit then make it just as unacceptable to deny Linus Torvalds of his credit for arguably the most important part of the system: the kernel (or the Operating System itself without the GNU ancillaries.)
> On 14 Dec 2009, at 16:43, Wayne Ward wrote:
>> no it deserves a say my friend i been reading into this a lot lately -
>> i cant see the harm in mentioning the GNU at all?
>> wayne
>> On 14 Dec 2009, at 16:38, Gareth Lees wrote:
>>> Tell him that we damn well want freedom without his silly naming
>>> restrictions. (Wonders how one would go about making a Linux
>>> Distribution using no GNU stuff.)
>>> Seriously though, Linux is now a general short form for GNU/Linux
>>> and just because GNU isn't named doesn't mean that we don't value
>>> their work.
>>> Gareth
>>> On 14 Dec 2009, at 16:34, Wayne Ward wrote:
>>>> hi guys just been talking to richard stallman the founder of the gnu
>>>> and he has taken a look at the site and would like us to change some
>>>> text
>>>> to add some gnu info etc - so ill make some small changes tonight
>>>> ill get him to take a look after just nice to know we are getting
>>>> input from one of the top level guys :)
>>>> Take a look at his site some great info http://stallman.org/
>>>> here are the guidelines he wants me to look at
>>>> http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html
>>>> Wayne Ward
>>>> www.lancasterlug.org.uk
>>>> wayne at lancasterlug.org.uk
>>>> 07957448652
>>>> Lancaster Linux User Group.
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>> Wayne Ward
>> www.lancasterlug.org.uk
>> wayne at lancasterlug.org.uk
>> 07957448652
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