[Lancaster] 'Sharing' a /boot Partition - Possible?

David Smith lists at td-online.co.uk
Sat Feb 28 11:30:46 UTC 2009

Thanks, Martyn, I sort of suspected that would be the case. Thing I'll 
stick to the old fashioned way for now, as I'm sure to forget where I 
install Grub to. :)

Martyn Welch wrote:
> At work I tend to have a single distro installed now, if I want to try 
> something else, I use virtualisation...

Yeh, this is largely what I do for most things, like testing how 
something's going to work, or for the few thing I need to use Windaz 
for, but the reason I've currently gone with installing the lightweight 
option alongside as a standalone dualboot is because I'm increasingly 
finding myself out at a site and don't want to wait for Ubuntu to load 
everything it needs so that I can use just a tiny amount of it.
If I had a work desktop to play with as well it would make the situation 
considerably easier, as I could do away with the heavier stuff on the 
laptop altogether but, for now, I'm just stuck experimenting. :)

Thanks again,


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