[Lancaster] linux user group

andy baxter andy at earthsong.free-online.co.uk
Tue Oct 13 22:02:11 UTC 2009

Wayne Ward wrote:
> aaahhhh i just been on the phone to gareth on the phone !!
> i didnt mean changing the whole group to linux and mac i was more  
> talking about keywords and letting mac users know they can run linux  
> on there mac aswell!!! im quite sure there is a few mac users who run  
> linux aswell if you know what i mean
> even my lad runs a mac and he will be joining the linux user group as  
> he runs and practisce linux aswell!!
> sorry about any confusion!!!!
I did think that you were talking about making it a linux / mac group, 
so thanks for making that clear.

I think the focus of the linux group, and its name, should stay as it 
is. If you want to run a facebook group that's up to you, and you can 
call it what you want as far as I'm concerned; the thing that I am not 
happy about is if this becomes the way that we are expected to talk and 
make decisions as a group. It might bring in a few members, which is all 
to the good, but I really don't like facebook, and don't want to be 
forced into joining it just to be part of the linux group - to me 
facebook stands for something quite different, which is against the 
values of free software. I could go on if you want.... ;)

Not sure what else to say. The thing I am into is the geek / hacker 
ethic regarding computers which is about the freedom to make them work 
the way you want, and playing with systems and being able to change them 
to suit your needs. There are people with that attitude using mac and 
windows (and BSD) as well, but commercial systems generally stand in the 
way of that rather than encouraging it. So in a way the focus on just 
linux is a bit narrower than the thing I really believe in, but also 
linux (and BSD) is the OS that actually stands behind that and says its 
a good thing rather than trying to stop it or twist it into something 
else. Which is why I reckon we should stay as a linux based group.

Hope this makes my feelings a bit clearer,


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