[linuxjobs] Systems Administrator/Developer seeking work

Luis M. Cruz luismcv at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 13:45:03 UTC 2006


  I'm a Spanish MSc in Computer Science Engineer, just moved to London
a month ago. I am seeking work, mainly in London area, but Birmingham
would be also an option.

  I have worked as a System Administrator for 6 years. I've been a
user of Linux since 1997 (mainly debian and derivatives). In my last
job I also got much experience with High-Availability systems
(heartbeat, LVS, keepalived, load balancing, RAID...). Experienced in
networking (not only with Linux based equipment but with some CISCO
equipment as well), shell scripting, etc. I have also worked in
embedded systems development for the last 3 years, and have more than
8 years of C programming experience and 2 years in Java. Founder
member of Malaga LUG, LiMA (http://www.linux-malaga.org) since 1998.
Detailed CV and references available upon request.

  Thank you very much.


Luis M. Cruz <luismc at fraggelrock.com>                   Systems
PGP keyIDs: 0x6848D470 (DSS) / 0x255E9505 (RSA)

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