[linuxjobs] [ADMIN] Postings from recruitment agencies?

David M lists2007 at trancepod.34sp.com
Mon Jun 18 15:59:56 UTC 2007

On Monday 18 June 2007, Andy Smith wrote:
> We can't please everyone so I'm proposing that for now we go with
> the few simple rules I've put here:
> https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/linuxjobs

Seems sensible to me.

Could I suggest that the posting "rules" should also include:

* No HTML, no Word attachments

* Agencies (and indeed anybody else) must include the job location [and 
ideally also key skills, if they will fit (eg, languages, apps, etc)] 
not only within the message, but *in the subject field* of the email 

This sort of 'microcontent' acts as a very useful filter (eg, in my 
case, I could just delete or filter messages with "London" [1] in the 
subject without even reading the actual message).

Being a minor reading, comprehension and action challenge, it perhaps 
also acts as a baseline sentience filter for the very worst agency 
drones ;-)

[1] Unless I get an urge to move southwards, that is. I don't know if 
I'm just not looking in the right places, but I get the feeling that 
*ix/FLOSS jobs seem to be much more prevalent in Southeast England than 
here in Scotland where W*nd*ws/IIS/ASP salesdroids seem to have been 
very successfully busy.. :-(  Perhaps it was the case that 
organisations with big computing requirements were more common in the 
Southeast way back in the day, and naturally went with *ix (and 
retained that base), whereas similar requirements came later to 
Scottish organisations, by which time the forces of darkness had come 
into being..


David M. -- Edinburgh, Scotland. -- [en,fr,(de) <-- corrections welcome]
* Please interleave reply text and trim quotes not needed for context. 
* On-list replies preferred. Please don't cc: list messages to me.

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