[linuxjobs] System Administrator job at the National Library of Wales

Sebastian Clarke seb.clarke at llgc.org.uk
Wed Sep 16 12:39:39 UTC 2009

Hi All,

Just FYI, there is a Linux + Windows sys-admin job going at the National 
Library of Wales, ability to speak welsh is a plus. You can get details 
and the application form from the following URL.


Cheers, and good luck!


Sebastian Clarke
Uwch Swyddog Gweinyddu Systemau         Senior Systems Administrator
Isadran Cyfrifiaduron                   Computer Section
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru            National Library of Wales
Aberystwyth,                            Aberystwyth
Ceredigion,                             Ceredigion
SY23 3BU                                SY23 3BU

Ffôn / Phone: 01970 632422        Ffacs / Fax: 01970 632422
EBost / Email: seb.clarke at llgc.org.uk  We / Web: http://www.llgc.org.uk
Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid o anghenrheidrwydd y LlGC   -  Speaking personally, not necessarily for NLW 

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