[linuxjobs] Administrivia: replies to job postings

Andy Smith andy at bitfolk.com
Thu Nov 17 22:49:50 UTC 2011


A while back after the last flare-up over a job posting, a few
people contacted -owner to complain. I then asked the list for
opinions on whether replies and other postings that weren't
advertising a job should be directed elsewhere.

Not many people did respond, but of those who did it was basically
100% in favour of there being nothing but job postings on this list.

That's fine but the problem is in implementation of that.

If we forced a reply-to: header pointing at another list then I
think that would do for directing replies, but it would inevitably
also end up catching some people's actual applications for jobs, so
I don't think it's appropriate.

I don't really see a way of doing it without setting this list
moderated, which means that all postings will be delayed until one
of the moderators could approve them. It might take an extra day or

So, perhaps we could get some feedback on:

- If you've any other ideas how this can be achieved;

- Whether you think a delay in moderating all posts is worth it vs.
  just putting up with replies that aren't about advertising jobs.

Please direct your replies to linuxjobs-owner at mailman.lug.org.uk.


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