[linuxjobs] Work experience

Sean O'Brien sean.paul.obrien at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 14 17:19:19 UTC 2013

Matt / Callum,

If you are still looking, I would recommend looking at smaller companies
who might not even be thinking of a placement student, as they might not
have the funding for a seasoned professional. You could negotiate this with
them, show what you can bring to them as an individual. This could be a
development opportunity for you, and for the company, as it needs to be
mutually beneficial; you can't work for nothing, even if they cover your
travel expenses for 2 days a week, it would be worth considering. I would
make a list of companies and approach them, even if they are not

If you are looking for a bigger enterprise look to the likes of Fujitsu.
See the following.




On 10 March 2013 20:22, Callum Massey <kais58 at sucs.org> wrote:

> I was hoping people would reply to you publicly as I am in a similar
> situation and hope to find the same over summer, I am a 2nd year undergrad
> BSc Computer Science student at Swansea and have already gained experience
> of Linux system administration through SUCS. If anyone in the area is
> looking for someone, please do let me know.
> Thanks,
> Callum Massey
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