[linuxjobs] Various Linux Associated positions

Philip Morrell careers at emorrp1.name
Sun Mar 24 13:40:53 UTC 2013

Hello Sally,

I just wanted to take the time to thank you for this excellent posting. I
think it would be hypocritical given all the (often justified) negative
feedback from linuxjobs subscribers if we didn't also praise
better-than-meh job adverts. Sorry for the delayed response, I don't check
very frequently!

The first thing you did right was attempt to customise for your target
audience. This alone is worthwhile for the same reasons customised CVs are
to companies. Thank you for including all the relevant detail, a suitable
summary and simple formatting - I'm based in N. Yorks, so could see
immediately there isn't anything for me.

I do have one criticism, since you asked for feedback - not all Linux and
Python/PHP jobs are LAMP. I know this seems relatively technical, but the
wikipedia page[1] on LAMP is very short and gives you just enough
information to recognise these differences. In particular the Bristol job
is desktop software (so no A or M) and the Daventry job is Postgres not
Mysql (LAPP).


If anyone else wants to see more of this kind of posting please add your

Yours sincerely,

Philip Morrell
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