[linuxjobs] Openstack + Ceph role - Swansea - £38k

Chris Jones rollercow at sucs.org
Thu Oct 29 14:20:29 UTC 2015

This role will 'install, develop, operate, administer and support the
MRC-funded OpenStack-enabled Cloud infrastructure for Microbial
Bioinformatics (CLIMB), working with IT staff and a team of
bioinformaticians and microbiologists across participating universities.'

Currently running:

 - Centos + RDO Openstack
 - RHEL + Red Hat Ceph Storage
 - salt for automation
 - ubuntu for the science stuff

More about the job -

More about the project - http://www.climb.ac.uk/

Chris Jones
Systems Developer        | Ddatblygwr Systemau
Health Informatics Group | Grŵp Gwybodeg Iechyd
College of Medicine      | Coleg Meddygaeth
Swansea University       | Prifysgol Abertawe

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