[linuxjobs] Internet Engineering Researchers - Aberdeen, Scotland

Iain R. Learmonth irl at fsfe.org
Wed Jul 27 13:51:23 UTC 2016


We're looking to hire two people to work on Internet Engineering
research projects at the University of Aberdeen in Aberdeen, Scotland.

The University of Aberdeen is among the UK's top research universities,
as noted in the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008) - a year
long independent evaluation of the quality of research undertaken across
Britain's universities. The University provides a set of web pages that
describe the University or Aberdeen and why students should consider
studying in Aberdeen's world-leading research environment.

The Electronics Research Group (ERG) of the School of Engineering part
of the College of Physical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen has a
range of experience relating to the design, simulation, optimisation,
and benchmarking of systems. It is functions as one of the School of
Engineering Research Groups.

We're looking for one Research Assistant (no prior experience in
academia is required, though it can be desirable) and one Research
Fellow (more experience required).

The Research Assistant position is for the EU H2020 NEAT project
(https://www.neat-project.org/). NEAT is a 36 Month European Union
research project that is researching how to redefine the interface
between the Internet applications and the network. The work is being
done by a strong consortium of top industry players and leading academic
centres (SRL, Mozilla, EMC, Cisco, University of Aberdeen, University of
Oslo and Karlstads University). The new free open-source interface will
allow Internet applications to be dynamically tailored to network
capabilities (without them needing to be updated each time Internet
technology changes). This is expected to lower the barrier to innovation
and enable new applications to quickly adapt as the Internet technology
continues to evolve.

The Research Fellow position is for the EU H2020 MAMI project
(https://mami-project.eu/). MAMI is a 30 month EU H2020 project led by
ETH Zürich designed to re-architect the Internet do that it allows
explicit cooperation between the networking equipment enabling
appropriate in-network services to ease management and scalability of
ever more demanding applications. We aim to restore balance among
end-user privacy concerns in the face of pervasive surveillance,
innovation in network protocols in the face of increasing ossification,
and the provision of in-network functionality in a cooperative way.
Aberdeen's work will develop innovative tools to measure Internet
performance and research new algorithms and methods to solve the network

If you're interested or would like to learn more, please visit our
vacancies page on our website:

 * https://erg.abdn.ac.uk/vacancies
 * https://ea2ajb3qtnsc6aly.onion/vacancies (via Tor)
 * https://erg.dn42/vacancies (via dn42 or ChaosVPN)


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