[Liverpool] Scary-Wobbly-Fun

Scott Brimin scott.brimin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 13:20:25 GMT 2004

>>Apparently, his internet service provider noticed that he was using
>>almost all of his bandwidth. The ISP, whose three letters shall remain
>>undisclosed, reported him to a division of the police. Some time
>>afterwards, the police broke down his door at around 0600 to sieze all
>>of his computer equipment.
>Are you sure there isn't something he isn't saying, I can't imagine
>bandwidth hogs get reported to the police.

It could have something to do with his webserver and excessive
bittorrent p2p use. But I couldn't imagine how that could be
interpretted as possible terrorism. Although the guy's bandwidth
useage is rather terrifying. ( ^ _ ^ ; ;

Anyway, soo...linux.

( ^ . - )

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