[Liverpool] Why do you use Open Source software?

David Watson david at planetwatson.co.uk
Mon Nov 1 00:04:23 GMT 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 23:51 +0000, David Watson wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> As a blatant attempt to get people on this list talking, I have some
> questions.

I'll answer my own questions, for completeness.

> Why are you using Open Source software?

I feel that the software industry would benefit from software being Open
Source, being able to fix software or add features is a powerful
feature.  I like to see how things work, and learn for some of the best
programmers in the industry.

> Which OS do you use, and why?

I use Linux, Debian and Ubuntu (Debian based).  I have also used most
Linux distributions to try them out.  Sadly as a game player I also use
Windows ( but only for playing games )

> Do you contribute to Open Source projects, either with code,
> documentation, or bug reports? 

I have my own Open Source (GPL) projects, I have never really
contributed documentation, its not my strong point.  I have submitted
patches and bug reports to several other projects.

I like to give something back, and this allows for that.

David Watson
david at planetwatson.co.uk
GnuPG key available from http://www.planetwatson.co.uk
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"Code is for life, use python"
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