[Liverpool] Meeting on 15/16th Dec

David Watson david at planetwatson.co.uk
Fri Nov 19 21:30:58 GMT 2004

On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 21:22 +0000, Mark Atherton wrote:
> Is that why teachers spen all the time before the mock saying "dont 
> worry about them and get all stressed" and all the time before the real 
> ones saying "fail these and your life is over, this is your chance to 
> get love money and a place in heaven. Fail and its fire and pitchforks 
> all the way"

no comment

David Watson
david at planetwatson.co.uk
GnuPG key available from http://www.planetwatson.co.uk
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"Code is for life, use python"
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