[Liverpool] Troutwars from LXF

Paul paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk
Sat Feb 26 17:25:50 GMT 2005


>> I've noticed a series of articles in LXF for using SDL on a game
>> called Troutwars. Now, as I can't afford 6.50 per back issue (on
>> goodness knows how many issues!), does anyone know of a way to get
>> copies of *just* the articles? (I'm not adverse to photocopies and
>> will pay for the copying cost).
>No idea, but a less morally objectionable alternative is Programming
>Linux Games. This is a book written by someone from Loki Software before
>they went under, and is available both in dead tree format and as a PDF
>online (plus tar file with the contents of the included CD). 

I have that one and if you look at my home website, you'll find I've
also spent quite a lot of time fixing the code from it (it's even linked
from the NoStarch website!).

Unfortunately, it's not quite what I'm after, whereas the troutwars
articles are.


"I like blinking me" - Helen, Big Brother 2 contestant
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