[Liverpool] Hardware

Mark Atherton saberwolf at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Nov 23 07:45:27 GMT 2005

James Lang wrote:

>Heya, Thanks for a good evening, sorry we had to leave early, for some reason
>my friend brought his girlfriend and then didnt want to be there too long for
>her, but I had a good time and will hopefully be there in January as I wont be
>able to in Decemeber.
>I have a bit of a question. At Christmas I intend to upgrade my Tower PC as it
>wouldnt compile stuff on Gentoo and it failed a stress test. I have had a look
>at a few components, could you give me your opinion on them and say if you
>think there are any problems.
>>Processor: http://www.aria.co.uk/ProductInfoComm.asp?ID=19454 - AMD Sempron
>3000 [1.8GHZ,754]R 64

ok semprons are basically the cut down athlon XP. They are cheap but not 
too great and so are ok as long as you dont need to do many processor 
intense things like play games etc. if you do want to play games and 
still want a cheap processor for about 80 something pounds you can get 
an athlon 64 3000 which are vey nice and 64bit.

>>RAM: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/GeIL_Golden_Dragon.html - GeIL
>512MB PC3200 UltraX CAS2 (GLX5123200UP) (MY-044-GL)  (the single 512MB stick)
yes good fast ram is always nice and thats a good choice.

>>PSU: http://www.overclock.co.uk/customer/product.php?productid=18892 -
>Enermax Liberty Series Power Supply Retail Boxed - ELT400AWT (400 Watt)
buying from a well known supplier is always a good idea with PSUs. I had 
one once that was so no name brand and when i plugged it in it exploded 
and tripped every single breaker in the house. Which while spectacular 
was not to useful. Luckily i hadnt put it  in the machine yet and was 
only testing.

>>Motherboard: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/EPOX_Socket_754.html -
>Epox EP-8KDA3+ nForce3 250GB (Socket 754) Motherboard (MB-032-EP) - (The one
>that is £59:95)
this would be good except for one small problem. Socket 754 is a bit of 
an evolutionary dead end. If possible find yourself a socket 939 
motherboad and get your sempron for that instead. They are a little bit 
more expensive but it will save you having to buy a new motherboard next 
time you want to upgrade. Socket 754 is slowly being phased out of AMDs 
future plans so if one day you want a nice processor (maybe something 
like a dual core when they come down in price) you really want that 
socket 939.

>Liverpool mailing list
>Liverpool at mailman.lug.org.uk

Hop all this infomation has helped. If you need any more details just ask.

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