[Liverpool] Re: Filesystem Nightmare

Chris Howells chris+liverpool-lug at chrishowells.co.uk
Mon Apr 10 14:43:37 BST 2006

On Mon, April 10, 2006 8:55 am, Iain MacGranthin wrote:

> "Error reading block 44531842 (Attempt to read block from fileystem
> resulted in short read) while doing inode scan.  Ignore error? no"
> (the "no" was a reply from e2fsck), then
> "Error while scanning inodes (22269952): Can't read next inode
> e2fsck: aborted"

Sounds like the hard disk is failing. You could try running the hard disk
manufacturer's diagnostic software.

You could also try using dd to take an image of the disk. Use the
'conv=noerror' option to make it ignore read errors.

Cheers, Chris Howells -- howells at kde.org
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