[Liverpool] Hooray, a Liverpool LUG!

Chris Howells chris+liverpool-lug at chrishowells.co.uk
Mon Feb 27 13:03:35 GMT 2006

Hi David,

On Mon, February 27, 2006 11:44 am, David Watson wrote:

> Welcome Chris, glad you found us.


> You are welcome to attend, the meeting will be on the 21st March at Blue
> Fountain (7th floor India Buildings).

Great, I plan to be there.

> Out of interest, what do you work on within KDE?

I'm the maintainer of KScreensaver so any screensaver related bugs are my
fault :) I also did quite a considerable amount of work on various KDE.org
web sites, and as I already said am one of the UK press contacts.
Unfortunately I haven't really been active recently due to university
committments but hopefully I will be soon again (graduating from uni in
the next few months).

> Although we are called a Linux User Group, we are supporters of "Free
> Software" in general, we may even have other FreeBSD users already.

Great, I was hoping that was the case :)


Cheers, Chris Howells -- howells at kde.org
Web: http://www.kde.org.uk, PGP ID: 0x33795A2C
KDE/Qt Developer: http://www.kde.org

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