[Liverpool] Ubuntu and libdvdcss - in fact any distro!

Paul Hendrick paul.hendrick at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 21:38:15 BST 2006

Hi Tony,
try adding this:
deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free
to your /etc/apt/sources.list
and then do apt-get update

now install libdvdcss

i'd guess installing from souces/tarballs isn't installing the lib in  
the right place.
you can look at what other packages are available in that repo by  
snooping around http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/
there's lots of goodies in the 'PLF' repo's (package liberation front).

(above, change dapper to breezy if that's your distro version)


On 27 Jun 2006, at 15:24, tony burrows wrote:

> I'm trying to play back commercial dvds on Ubuntu.
> I followed instructions to:
> change from totem-gstreamer to totem-xine
> install dvdread
> run install-css.sh from the dvdread examples directory
> This installed libdvdcss.so.2.0.8
> When I try to play a dvd using totem it tells me the dvd is  
> encrypted and I need to install libdvdcss!
> I've tried removing and re-installing totem, and also installing  
> xine-ui to try that as a player - same result each time - no  
> libdvdcss.
> Incidentally, I've had the same problem trying to get commercial  
> dvds playing on my desktop machine with suse10 - claim that no  
> libdvdcss is present wneh it is.
> Any ideas?
> Tony
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