[Liverpool] Plans for this months meeting

David Watson david at planetwatson.co.uk
Fri Mar 17 19:24:32 GMT 2006

Hello Everyone,

Our next meeting is at 7pm Tuesday 21st March, at Blue Fountain.

It looks like it's going to be a busy meeting, I will be giving a demo of the 
new XGL (True Transparency and Spinning Cube desktop selection plus some 
other features).  It will only be a short demo, and then I'll leave my 
machine for anyone who wants to try the new features.

Also Stephen Banks will be giving a presentation on using an iPod with Linux.  
And it looks like Aiden has arranged for Julian Todd to give a talk (Julian 
is involved with http://www.theyworkforyou.com/, which is a non-partisan, 
volunteer-run website which aims to make it easy for people to keep tabs on 
their elected representatives.).  Why not go and check the site out.

See you on Tuesday.

David Watson
Lugmaster, Programmer, Bass Player


IM(jabber): dwatson at planetwatson.co.uk

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