[Liverpool] Wanted : One job

Julian Todd julian at goatchurch.org.uk
Sat Oct 7 10:38:24 BST 2006

Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> Due to a problem I've encountered, I seem to find myself at a loose end
> job wise.
> If anyone knows anywhere in the North West [Liverpool, Manchester,
> Warrington, Wigan areas etc] looking for someone good at implementing
> websites or in need of a programmer (C, C++, C# and quite a few others)
> or for Linux/Unix server admin work, let me know. I've lots to offer!
I'd recommend http://www.mysociety.org/ .  Lets you work from home, and 
does totally open political websites, and I know about it well.  
Unfortunately, a bit skint for now while applying for other funding.  If 
it comes through, there will be a lot of work available.  Meanwhile, to 
keep yourself in trim and learn more, try one of the 
http://www.mysociety.org/volunteertasks if you can. 

Email me and we can meet up in somewhere with wifi like FACT and I can 
tell you more. 

julian at publicwhip.org.uk

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