[Liverpool] Laptop repairs

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Tue Aug 12 19:16:24 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

2008/8/12 Peter Howden :
> Hi,
> I've got a Hi-Grade laptop (few years old, Model 600 I think). Just
> recently if I move the screen, even just a few centimetres, the
> backlight goes out. I'm having to leave the screen up in case it goes
> out permanently :-S   - it's probably a loose connection / dodgy
> connector. Anyone know of someone I could take it to for repair?. I'm
> reluctant to open it up myself. Many thanks.
> Peter

Hi-Grades are notorious for loose connections. We had a few where if
you moved the laptop in a certain way it would power off as the
battery backup was off and moving across the motherboard.

Best bet is to poke around for someone electrically minded on the
local lists, as a computer shop would charge you £100 just for looking
at it. I've done a similar laptop repair for a friend in the past but
i'd rather avoid doing it again :)

- --
Andrew Williams / Nik_Doof
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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