[Liverpool] Social/Bar Meet - 22/23rd?

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Thu Feb 7 15:52:23 GMT 2008

On 07/02/2008, N.Giddings at Giddo.co.uk <N.Giddings at giddo.co.uk> wrote:
> well  I'm a newbie so would like to know more about these meets, locations
> etc if possible.

Location-wise, Something central would serve best, Bar CaVa, Baa Bar,
or Wetherspoons.

Hopefully these socials are a precursor to the start of full meeting
again, but as previously mentioned theres no point of having a full
meeting with no topics to discuss. The socials will hopefully be able
to gauge how many people will be active/interested then hopefully get
something set in stone with the help of Dave.

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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