[Liverpool] What Linux Flavour do you use?

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Wed Feb 27 12:21:12 GMT 2008

On 27/02/2008, Vladimir <vladimir.jakubovskij at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey!!! One more 'red eyes' Gentoo user!  :)

And one more...

MythTV - Gentoo amd64
Cetus (Desktop) - MacOSX 10.5 / Windows XP, was recently Gentoo amd64
Blipblop (Desktop) - Windows XP (my other halfs machine, was Ubuntu
till she threw a hissy)
Orion (Powerbook) - MacOSX 10.4 / Ubuntu PPC
Bobby (EeePC) - Debian Lenny

and off site...

dom0.h3o.in (Xen box) - Debian stable
argon.h3o.in - Debian stable
kryten.incognitus.net - Debian stable

Network-wise its all 100mbit in house, 4mbit Virgin, and everything
using either NFS or Samba depending on whats the easiest available to
it, but most of the traffic is done via Samba.

A proper mixed bag in our house :)

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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