[Liverpool] Re: Sun to acquire MySQL for US$1 billion

Omar Baqueiro obaqueiro at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 22:34:51 GMT 2008

Richard Wrote:
> Anyway, if that's the only criticism anyone has of our conference, I'll
> be very relieved :^)
Well, IMHO the conference was fantastic, I particularly loved the
presentation of the MP. Particularly that he was very "English"
talking about the "need" to have a special version of Word for the
GPs. I loved that

> We're running the next edu conference in Skegness in April - details to
> appear on the OSA website.
Thats good news, hope to be informed :)

> If you're interested in Free Software events for NGOs, tell me more,
> I'll try and point you in the right direction :-)
Well, basically we are working with several web based applications,
among them of course Word Press, phpBB and Dokeos among others. In the
future we plan to  implement osCommerce. The NGO is basically
dedicated to Sustainable development.  As you can guess, I am the IT
"expert" in the organization so I get to decide what goes in and what
not (in software terms).

Don't know what else to write so I'll leave it at that. Any comments
will be appreciated. Of course related to  Open Source or Linux.



Omar Baqueiro Espinosa
Computer Science PhD Candidate
Computer Systems Engineer
Workpage: www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~omar/
HomePage (spanish):http://www.baqueiro.co.uk/
PGP Key available at: www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~omar/pgp.html

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