[Liverpool] access space idea

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 15 18:47:59 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 16:48 +0100, Vladimir J. wrote:
> been busy in the last week, so couldn't let you know about this.
> who's been to the meeting two weeks ago, might remember the idea about  
> setting an access space in liverpool. so i have been to mello mello  
> last week and we had a positive meeting and talk about this. they are  
> totally up for this idea! we came up with the following plan:
> 1. they are away on holidays till next week, so the first thing when  
> they are back is to meet up again (this time not me on my own, but  
> with those who wish to be involved in the project.

Hello Vladimir,

This is great news - I'll try and get to the meeting,
but am getting a bit booked up, so as much notice as
possible would be helpful.

> 2. they are giving us 3-4 computers which we have to put into a  
> network and launch.
> 3. then we can have meetings there (regular monthly as well as  
> occasional ones) and do some workshops to the users (that's what mello  
> guys are very very very interested in).

Excellent :)

Looking forward to hearing more.

 - Richard

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