[Liverpool] Liverpool LUG Meetup / Social - 3rd December 2008

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Thu Nov 27 09:56:25 UTC 2008

Liverpool LUG Meeting
1st October 2008 @ 7:00pm
The Bar, 1st Floor, FACT, 88 Wood St, Liverpool, L1 4DQ

This month we did have a talk planned on JACK, but unfortunately the
speak has had to pull out due to prior commitments. This opens up the
floor for anyone to give a talk on any subject. If we don't have any
speakers then we'll just meetup in the bar for a few drinks and
friendly banter.

If anyone wants to give a quick talk, just reply to this mail :)

As per usual, we'll start at FACT and move on to another place if we
feel the need to. We'll be located in the Bar on the 1st Floor outside
Gallery 2, keep an eye out for UMPCs, beards, and a plushie Tux. If a
talk is on we'll usually move from the bar to the conference room at
about 7:15pm, if you arrive late you can get to the conference room
via the lift (head to the 3rd floor) or if the lift is disabled ask a
security guard.

Hope to see you all there

Andrew Williams / Nik_Doof
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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