[Liverpool] SuSE boot

phil hargreaves phil at whi-music.co.uk
Tue Sep 2 16:07:09 UTC 2008

> you have done loads of work which was not necessary.
> Windows XP overwrites any bootloader by default, without any given  
> choice.
> so WinXP in your case has overwritten GRUB loader [binary].
> if you spent 2 minutes googling before messing around with the OSes on
> your machine, you'd know this. and you would have installed Windows  
> first, then
> SUSE, and the latter would give you a choice - of what to boot into at  
> the
> GRUB boot promp.
> but even after that - 2 minutes googling would provide you with a
> 5 mins fix. it's simple.
> boot into a live cd (SUSE, in this case)
> mount a partition where you installed SUSE
> (guess with many modern distros it would be already mounted for you)
> let's say it's mounted on /media/disk1
> #chroot /media/disk1
> #grub-install /dev/disk1 (or whatever the device it would be in your  
> case)
> ctrl+d, reboot
> voila!!
> you can now boot into linux and modify your /boot/grub/menu.list
> (sometimes different on some systems, and could be called grub.conf,  
> but the synthax of the file is the same)
> to add windows xp into boot menu. like this
> # title   F*king WindowsXP
> # root   (hd0,0) - this depends on your setup
> # makeactive
> # chainloader   +1
> enjoy (or rather RTFM)
> regards,
> vladimir

or, more simply, you could do a repair install of SuSE, which you can 
persuade to focus on GRUB, rather than re-installing the entire OS. if 
you're not comfy editing .conf files.

phil h

PO Box 153/South Eastern/Liverpool L15 9JF

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