[Liverpool] Co-working/hotdesk etc. in Liverpool

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Wed Apr 8 13:24:58 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 02:12:02PM +0100, Hakim Cassimally wrote:
> So, it turns out that gf being at home looking for a job (thank you Credit
> Crunch!) is not entirely conducive to working remotely...
> I'm considering renting a hot-desk in a business-park or with a local
> business: does anyone have any recommendations?
> Alternatively, places to work for an afternoon/day: the only place I can
> think of in town is FACT (free wifi, but not that many power sockets, if
> they're even still turning a blind eye to that these days?).
> Or... with a 3G dongle and I could work anywhere (Sefton park Palm House
> would be lovely!  If only I could configure my Thinkpad to have working VOIP
> and decent battery life under Linux... but that's another story ;-)
> osfameron

Check out Mello Mello on Parr St., it's quiet, and i'm sure they'll be 
OK with you perching there all day. Their opening times are a little 
irregular but the tea/coffee is good and they have free Wifi. 

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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