[Liverpool] Linux Installation

Lucy lucybridges at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 10:18:23 UTC 2009

2009/8/19 Simon Johnson <simon.johnson at gmail.com>:
> Be prepared for people to resist change. Make sure your argument focus on
> the benefits to your users not to the school's bank balance. Don't at any
> time mention software freedom. Users don't want or care about. Say that
> Linux is more secure against viruses, faster than Windows 7 on the same
> hardware, Open Office's UI is more consistent with their old UI than Office
> 2007 etc.

While I agree that it's 100% about the end user, I don't agree that
software freedom is incompatible with this. Software freedom empowers
users. One specific benefit for a school is that it allows pupils to
take home copies of the software they use at school (no more need to
shell out for a brand new pc and MS Office). It also allows them to
share the 'cool' programs they find with their friends, rather than
being told it's wrong. Obviously there are more benefits, but that one
is good to start with.

To Mike:
I also agree with others that the timescale given is too short.
However, it's not too short to set up a demo on a couple of machines.
Perhaps you could speak to teachers to find out what software would be
useful for the curriculum, etc. This will give you early feedback,
highlight problem areas and allow you to start planning what is
required for a larger roll out.

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