[Liverpool] Feb Meeting Follow-up

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Thu Feb 5 15:35:48 UTC 2009

2009/2/5 Graeme Dyas <admin at zabouth.com>:

> It's easy to find ,we will need to post next time that it's the door on the
> right as you enter that says basement

Yes, next time we'll have a little bit more detailed instructions. It
was the first time I'd managed to get up there to have a look, If I
knew it was so close to FACT I would of just posted simple directions.

Such as: For those who know where Forbidden Planet is, its next door
but one, but from FACT's front entrance, cut through to bold street
and turn left, and it'll be on your left hand side.

Ahh well, atleast my phone won't be going every 5 minutes next time :)

> I really liked the pub it was quite with ok music and "free" wi-fi.

The pub was great, so was the barmaid who kept the pub open until we
left! I dunno what the deal was with the WIFI, i'd hate to know we're
running up someone's quota...

Andrew Williams / Nik_Doof
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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