[Liverpool] primary function of a LUG

ray holroyd ray.holroyd at homecall.co.uk
Fri Feb 20 15:22:07 UTC 2009

I find the analogy between Linux and Christianity rather profound.
My allusion to the "cart before the horse" was on a more basic level, in 
that, in order for it to be launched free software needs a platform, and 
Linux is that platform.
In fact my point in asking the original question "What is the primary 
function of a LUG" was to ascertain whether members thought that the 
primary function was to bring Linux to the masses, or as a focal point 
for compu-geeks to air their views.
I must add that I have a tremendous respect for compu-geeks, they are 
the life-blood of open source software.
As regard the four freedoms, I can't see the spread of free software 
freeing us from the chains of political correctness,the universal divide 
between religious beliefs,the ravages of want and the neurosis of fear.

  Ray Holroyd

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