[Liverpool] [Fwd: [GeekUp] FREE 3G USB Dongle]

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Wed Jun 10 08:58:37 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 11:36:07AM +0100, oscillik wrote:
> Ok, so my ZTE MF627 USB modem arrived today, and I promptly reflashed it.
> However due to reasons i'm not going to get into, i need to get the original
> firmware back on here.
> I've searched high and low and cannot seem to find it anywhere.
> Does anyone have any clue?

It's strange that the flashing software makes a FW backup but doesnt 
actually dump it to a usable file. Far as I can see the original three 
firmware isn't available anywhere. 

Should of said to me that you needed a unflashed one, I would of just 
give you my one for your flashed one, but i've already flashed it.

Then again I can order you one under Jo's name on Monday if you 

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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