[Liverpool] Liverpool Hackspace

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Mon Mar 30 13:55:35 UTC 2009

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 02:47:17PM +0100, Richard Smedley wrote:
> Slightly tangential to the Netbook event, who
> wants a Liverpool hackspace?

Greg from TAO wanted to use the upstairs space in Mello Mello has a 
hub/cluster/hackerspace, I was involved a while ago in trying to get it 
moving but we left it hanging due to lack of time and resources.

It's a bit of a strange situtation in MM, the upstairs area is split 
into two, half used as a office, and the empty area is a general use 
space for artists. We found it difficult to actually get anything done 
as we always had blockers, either artist belongings still there or 
someone actively using the room while we was trying to organise it.

A main issue we had was a lack of resources, they had one or two dated 
computers and a raft of technical "stuff" (best way to describe it) that 
was saved from the dumpster during Open Source City. To get it running 
it would need a small investment in benches/desks and some old PCs. 

I've lost touch with Greg recently, and i'm not sure what the current 
status is, but i'm sure he'll be interested to hear any discussions 
about it.

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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