[Liverpool] Group Future (Was: Places To Drink)
Joanne Roberts
jo at thatgirl.co.uk
Fri May 8 12:47:41 UTC 2009
I think the point Andy was making was that it's called livlug but we don't
really talk about linux all that much, so maybe we should change the name to
encourage more people who may not even know what linux is, but know about
FLOSS stuff. I guess the same could be true of people interested in FLOSS
who want to attend, but think because it's a linux user group they
can't....not entirely sure where I'm going with this lol. I could just be
wrong...I'm sure Simon will be right though ;-)
2009/5/8 Dan Lynch <biglynchy at gmail.com>
> I would agree with Vladimir on this one. I know we are called a Linux User
> Group but in reality at every LUG I've ever been to people don't just talk
> about Linux exclusively. There's usually talk about phones and mobile
> devices, BSD, Solaris and all kinds of general FLOSS stuff. I've never heard
> anyone complain about it. There's plenty of Linux talk too as you'd expect
> but it's not a set topic. It's what I would expect at a LUG, perhaps I've
> missed the point of the L in LUG all along. I love Linux and I love talking
> about it but I don't mind if people want to talk about BSD or anything else.
> It seems a little like splitting hairs.
> I'd be interested to hear what others think. Maybe I'm out of touch. It
> wouldn't be the first time :)
> Dan
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Vladimir <vladimir.jakubovskij at gmail.com>wrote:
>> the group should stay the same. it's a Linux Users Group.Linux users use
>> Free/Open Source software primarily.
>> we are not "kernel" users. we use software. talking about software, 'unix
>> way',
>> freedoms is absolutely in line with what LUG is about.
>> 2009/5/8 Andrew Williams <andy at tensixtyone.com>
>>> On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 01:50:44AM +0100, Dan Lynch wrote:
>>> > That place was pretty cool actually. As long as we could get the bigger
>>> room
>>> > it could be pretty good I think. Interesting that you mention debating
>>> as
>>> > this is mostly what happened at the Wetherspoons last time. Not about
>>> open
>>> > source but mainly about films, music, which numbering system is best
>>> and
>>> > 80's synthesizers. Now there's an odd bunch of topics :)
>>> >
>>> > I'm sure we could mix in some open source and other techy subjects
>>> though. I
>>> > dunno how others will feel but it might be a good idea to see what the
>>> > people at the pub have to say. Can't hurt to find out and then decide
>>> if
>>> > it's the right venue
>>> Again, we're slipping away from the L in LUG :)
>>> Not this is a bad thing, I've said a few times about moving the group to
>>> a more general "free software" group, as it's turning out as time goes
>>> on that the actual need for a LUG is very low.
>>> So, lets put it onto the table. Heres a few ideas/actions I have
>>> spinning around my head, possible routes so to say:
>>> 1) Should Liverpool LUG be changed into a "Free / Open Software" group,
>>> this in turn will remove the focus of Linux within any meetings and
>>> generally cover the usage of free / open software in any area, arts,
>>> computing, and modern life.
>>> 2) A new group group to be formed under the above ideals and Liverpool
>>> LUG reborn into a pure Linux user group.
>>> 3) Changing Liverpool LUG into a general geek group, coverting art,
>>> music, development and geekery. Much like GeekUp but less emphasis on
>>> Web 2.0 and web development.
>>> 4) Stay the same.
>>> I'm interested in what other people think, lets get some discussion
>>> going.
>>> --
>>> Andrew Williams
>>> w: http://tensixtyone.com/
>>> e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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